VCode IT Solutions Restaurant Management

Restaurants are fast paced, high performance work environments where every minor or major aspect must come together to make the business a roaring success. It is a stressful business that leaves little or no margin for error, and it is extremely important to have high class technology based solutions and tools at your disposal if you want to make a success out of your restaurant business.

  • Multi Outlet Configuration
  • Caller ID Integration
  • Barcoding
  • 100% Accurate
  • Mobile Application
  • Digital Menu
  • Table Mapping and Reservation
  • Banquet Hall Booking
  • KDS
  • Tablet Ordering
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Food costing

At VCode IT, we offer you industry leading technological solutions


Reduces the scope of manual mistakes and saves time.


Helps in booking food for party orders.


Reduces the scope of manual mistakes and saves time.


Keep a track of the Stock consumed based on the recipe of dish.


Key to a steady utilization of multiple resources from  vendors.


Centralized Kitchen/Store for multi-outlet businesses.


Get questions answered and evaluate the services offered.


Helps to speed up customer checkout.


Store an order and send to food prep area for timely delivery.


Complete food ordering and management system.

Table Management

Our table management feature allows your staff to manage tables effectively through the visual table management system. The ‘Table status’ feature will keep you updated about the table status and services on each table. Notification will be issued in case of any situation.


Helps to keep track of the stock in the store related to kitchen use.


Generate Purchase orders, goods receipt and track rate contracts with vendors and suppliers.


Receive status of your order in the mobile app.


Promote brand and run campaigns.

Kitchen Display Systems

Streamline Kitchen orders with Kitchen Display Systems. Make orders visible to your kitchen staff in real time. Prioritize orders with meal pacing and make it easier for your cooks to dish out orders to the pass. Use data to predict cooking times and improve your customer experience.

  • Cook Times
  • Meal Pacing
  • Ease the operations process
  • Inventory Management

Handheld Ordering

It’s an easy to use, all-inclusive menu & ordering system. Take orders directly from your tablet menu & integrate your menu with your POS and kitchen printer to streamline your ordering process.

Impress your customers with your own tablet menu

  • Menu List
  • Food Ordering
  • Quick Billing / Settlement
  • Customer Feedback

Sales Insight App

Fondly called the Owner App; this module is built in the form of a mobile application that is integrated with the parent software. It is your entire sales data “in motion” which is built to provide a seamless experience to those whoever be interested in monitoring the sales of their business throughout the day of operation. The report data available is under four heads – Sales Report, Sales Items Report, Expense Report & Live Status.

  • Business Tracking
  • Single / Multi – Outlet Store
  • Live Status
  • Sales & Expense Report

Digital Menu

It’s an easy to use all-inclusive menu & ordering system. Take orders directly from your tablet menu and integrate your menu with your POS & kitchen printer to streamline your ordering process.

Go Paperless with Digital Menu

  • Menu List
  • Price List
  • Customer Feedback
  • Multi Language

Online Delivery App

As demand for online ordering grows among restaurant consumers, so has the need for independent restaurants to find solutions that let customers browse their menus, select options and pay for their carryout or delivery orders online. It is nowadays essential to let you input your menu information to create a simple ordering platform you can include on your own mobile app.

  • Fast Delivery
  • Coupons & Offers
  • Quick Checkout
  • Push Notifications

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