Domain & Hosting

Increase privacy and security with secured hosting!
You must collect lots of useful information with permission from your customers, employees and stakeholders. This is a lot of data. Before you start making sense out of your data, you must not leave it vulnerable on the cloud or anywhere else on the internet. People must be rest assured that their data remains secure and safe with you. While this is possible with secure hosting, we help you get the best hosting experience for your website and indigenous apps for work.
Register a Domain Name

All it happens with a name. The perfect name is something easy to remember and say. Get a domain name strategically set to drive your sales when you are starting your business or rebranding your line of business. Our consultants help you choose the right domain name for your business and buy it for the best deal possible

Hosting Packages

We provide three types of hosting packages suitable for the size of your business website.

Basic DetailsEconomyMost Popular PremiumFirst Class
Web Storage1.5 GB5 GB10 GB
Monthly Bandwidth5,00050,000100,000
Email Accounts10UnlimitedUnlimited
Set-up FeeUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
FTP AccessUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
FTP Accounts5UnlimitedUnlimited
Technical Details
Spam Assassin, SMTP and IMAPSupportedSupportedSupported
MySQL databasesSupportedSupportedSupported
PHP, Python, CGI, PerlSupportedSupportedSupported
Domain ParkingUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Email ForwardersUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Free Apps InstallationUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited

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